Thursday, June 21, 2012

My "Overnight Journey'" experience conclusion postponed

It’s been over a week since completing the Overnight Walk and I plan to wrap up my “Overnight Journey” but realized that it is only fitting that I write individual posts for Kathy Hull and Mattie Whitmer. Their memory (angel) bracelets were made when I first began this journey and I wasn’t sure how writing my first blog would play out. As it were, I ended up creating a separate post for each angel and their bracelet made. Kathy and Mattie were both mentioned within my post "Memory Bracelets" but not in their own post.

These two angels and their parents are very special to me and deserve their own posts. So for now, until I write my "In Memory" posts for them both, my conclusion post for my "Overnight Journey" will be postponed for a few more days.

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